Wednesday, June 20, 2012

We're coming back!

Hi everyone: Trading Paint IS coming back.

We have some exciting new plans that you'll start seeing in the next few weeks.

First of all, we'll catch you up with all the columns and stories I've done for, and The Sports Xchange. We'll start adding links to those past stories in the next few days.

Second, we're going to start increasing our use and utilization of social media. In fact, I've already started doing that with Twitter and Facebook and will continue doing so on Trading Paint in the coming weeks.

Third, I'm mulling over the idea of restarting our popular in-race chat/blog. We haven't done it for a while, but I've had a number of requests of late to restart things. I'm looking into logistics, plus I need to find a new chat server. More on that to come. ....

Fourth, I have some other ideas that I'm going to be working on to improve the site. I'll let you know what we'll be able to do or not.

Again, in the next few weeks.

I hope to start implementing some of the new updates and changes in the next couple of days. I'll keep you posted.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please email me at

And thanks again for your patience. Best! Jerry

1 comment:

  1. Don't tease me, Jerry! Looking forward to seeing all your improvments and revving up Trading Paint again!


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